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OpenVMS Hobbyist Program | OpenVMS Hobbyist Media Kits | OpenVMS Alpha Media Kits
Author Media availability and Encompass memberships

Posts: 5
Location: Seattle, WA, US
Joined: 01.04.06
Posted on April 01 2006 11:36
Being way too excited to install and play with OpenVMS on a DS10L I just aquired, I have two questions related to my impatient state:

1. The hobbyist website says that the AXP Media Kit 3.0 will be available after May 28. Is there a way to get a prior kit now?

2. You need an Encompass membership to do anything, but I haven't heard a thing from them after submitting an application a week ago---is this normal? If so, how long does processing take?
Author Re: Media availability and Encompass memberships

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Posts: 19
Location: Nottingham UK
Joined: 13.12.05
Posted on April 01 2006 23:30

Owning an Alpha has given me many hours of interest and enjoyment - and some frustration too!!

There are others who can comment on the Kits themselves, but there are a number of links, including some on this forum that would enable you to upgrade or install Layered products or freeware. Alas, if your DS10 has no OS loaded at all, this will not help.

Without knowing your geographic location it will be difficult for anyone to give you the benefit of their specific experience or advice on how long the processing will take.

As has been said elsewhere here, there are usually delays related to the manual interface between the Encompass and Hobbyist systems.
Here in the UK, it can take several weeks between initial signup with Encompass UK and the update to the Hobbyist system that enables your licenses to be issued. Fortunately, once this is complete, the actual issuing of the licenses to you takes minutes!!

If you can give more specific information about your location, I am sure someone will be able to give you more specific advice.

Good luck and keep the enthusiasm going!!

Author Re: Media availability and Encompass memberships
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Posted on April 02 2006 03:58
[quote:a14c6f4af1="DSPguy"]Being way too excited to install and play with OpenVMS on a DS10L I just aquired, I have two questions related to my impatient state:

1. The hobbyist website says that the AXP Media Kit 3.0 will be available after May 28. Is there a way to get a prior kit now?

2. You need an Encompass membership to do anything, but I haven't heard a thing from them after submitting an application a week ago---is this normal? If so, how long does processing take?[/quote:a14c6f4af1]

1) Sorry, that May 28 was a a year ago, the current revision is the 3.0 kit. I should have put in the year, and need to update the pages... Sorry!

2) They are usually pretty quick, and I get an update on Friday. I didn't get one this week, and the last one they sent was in a different format. I'm working on that with them.

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Location: Seattle, WA, US
Joined: 01.04.06
Posted on April 02 2006 14:16

Thanks for the welcome! I'm from the US, but I spent a few months on business near Nottingham. I was in staying in Kegworth and working in Loughborough. It was very cool.

I have no OS, the internal IDE disk is a 30GB Maxtor 53073H4. I hope that VMS will recognize it and install. For now, I'll just have to be content with the SRM :wink:


I appreciate you making the media kits available and I can hardly wait to order one! It sounds like I may be good to go in a week or so! Then DCL, MMS, and FORTRAN fun awaits! I'll miss BLISS, though...
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Posted on April 02 2006 17:30
[quote:bc479a72f5="DSPguy"]Then DCL, MMS, and FORTRAN fun awaits! I'll miss BLISS, though...[/quote:bc479a72f5]

Actually, you don't have to! BLISS has been released by DEC as a FreeWare tool. You can download it from the FreeWare off the OpenVMS web site, including a valid PAK. Feel free to do as much BLISS as you'd like!

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Posted on April 03 2006 00:10
BLISS is available at

If you don't have a copy then download the entire Freeware CD's from

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Location: Seattle, WA, US
Joined: 01.04.06
Posted on April 03 2006 09:45
This is too cool! I had no idea that they ported BLISS to the alpha! I didn't see any documentation for the BLISS-64E implimentation... I wonder if E stands for "Emulator", BLISS being architecture specific. Anyway, I really, really need a license now!

Posts: 30
Joined: 11.12.05
Posted on January 28 2007 10:15
My girlfriend's private videos smiley
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August 04 2022
No more VAX hobbyist licenses. Community licenses for Alpha/IA64/X86_64 VMS Software Inc. Commercial VMS software licenses for VAX available from HPE.

July 20 2022
Just re-visiting.. No more hobbyist licenses? Is that from vmssoftware.com, no 'community' licenses?

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February 12 2022
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January 03 2022
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October 27 2021
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October 27 2021
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September 17 2021
At one time, didn't this web site have a job board? I would love to use my legacy skills one last time in my career.

January 18 2021
New Hobbyist PAKs for VAX/VMS are no longer available according to reports. Only commercial licenses are reported to be for sale from HPE

January 16 2021
Can someone please point me to hobbyist license pak? I'm looking for VAX/VMS 7.1, DECnet Phase IV, and UCX/TCPIP ... have the 7.1 media, need the license paks ... thanks!

October 16 2020
OpenVMS, and this website!

September 05 2020
VSI community non-commercial licenses for AXP/IA64 are available now.

September 05 2020
See the forum about licensing. Don't know if HPE hobby licenses still being issued. Commercial licenses still being sold.

September 01 2020
I need the license for OpenVMS7.3. Where can I find them?

August 29 2020
Eisner, which is currently being moved, got an SSH update and the keys were updated to more modern encryption standards.

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