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Author simh networking tuntap no success

Posts: 73
Location: Indaiatuba-SP/Brazil
Joined: 18.06.08
Posted on December 20 2014 15:27
Hi, forum.

After a few years out, I decided to put simh-vax up again.
Since my old files were lost on an old desktop, now I am setting simh-vax on a laptop with eth0
and wlan0, as network interfaces.
My first goal was just to put vax-vms running again. That's ok. VAX-VMS073 with ethernet support
Now, trying to get telnet working, after insert licenses and install tcpip, I stuck with
simh networking again.
Following docs on simh-3.9 (readme_ethernet-howto), I did:

-my LAN - wlan0 - eth0 not in use.
-linux side:
-after setting up a tuntap tap0 is available.
-bridging: br0 ip address with eth0(ip and tap0(ip

-(simh)vax-vms side:
-xqa0 attached to eth0 (QE0 ip and xqb0 attached
to tap:tap0 (QE1 ip No success.

I've checked and tryied to set QE0 to ip, with no success (invalid address under vms).
So I cant figure out how to put vms talking to host via tcpip. Even after several trying on
Any help welcome.


Author RE: simh networking tuntap no success
Bruce Claremont

Posts: 623
Joined: 07.01.10
Posted on December 21 2014 04:08
Is the adapter defined correctly in the SimH config file. Use "sh xq eth" to show available adapters, the "attach xq" to define the adapter on the virtual VAX.

Make sure DECnet and TCPIP are shutdown or not started.

If you are using DECnet, set it up first: $ @NETCONFIG.COM

Once DECnet is working set up TCP/IP: $ @UCX$CONFIG or TCPIP$CONFIG
Author RE: simh networking tuntap no success

Posts: 73
Location: Indaiatuba-SP/Brazil
Joined: 18.06.08
Posted on December 21 2014 11:15
I'm not using DECNet, just TCPIP. And the adapters are "defined" and "attached" correctly (I suppose to):

; Attach Ethernet to a network interface
set xq enabled
set xq type=DELQA
set xq mac=08-00-2B-AA-BB-CC
attach xq0 eth0
set xqb enabled
set xqb type=DELQA
set xqb mac=08-00-2B-AA-BB-CE
attach xqb0 tap:tap0

At the first time I run simh/vax-vms (few years ago) version was in 2.38 or something. I had to use a small program taptap.c. But now with version 3.9 I did understand that is no need to use taptap.c, or I misunderstood...

On VMS side, first I assign IP to both adapters XQA0 and XQB0 (QE0 and QE1) on same subnet.

No success at all.


Edited by valdirfranco on December 21 2014 11:48
Author RE: simh networking tuntap no success
Bruce Claremont

Posts: 623
Joined: 07.01.10
Posted on December 22 2014 03:19
I run SimH under Windows, so that's my diagnostic perspective.

What do you get with a sh xq eth?

The Windows version of simH has a non-network and network release. The network release uses WinPcap. Are you running a release with networking built in?

Have you confirmed eth0 works properly on the host side?

Who's VMS TCP/IP services are you using: Digital, TCPware, Multinet, other?
Author RE: simh networking tuntap no success

Posts: 73
Location: Indaiatuba-SP/Brazil
Joined: 18.06.08
Posted on December 23 2014 06:45
Service running are just FTP and TELNET
Using vde simh connects to host, although cant reach outside the LAN. Besides, traffic became a little heavy
This is the show xq eth output (simh).

sim> sh xq eth
ETH devices:
eth0 eth0 (No description available)
eth1 wlan0 (No description available)
eth2 tap0 (No description available)
eth3 br0 (No description available)
eth4 tap:tapN (Integrated Tun/Tap support)
eth5 vdesmileyevice (Integrated VDE support)
eth6 udp:sourceport:remotehost:remoteport (Integrated UDP bridge support)
Open ETH Devices:
XQ eth0 (No description available)
Ethernet Device:
Name: eth0
Reflections: 0
Self Loopbacks Sent: 2
Self Loopbacks Rcvd: 0
Host NIC Address: (removido)
Packets Sent: 3
Asynch Interrupts: Disabled
Read Queue: Count: 0
Read Queue: High: 0
Read Queue: Loss: 0
Peak Write Queue Size: 1
BPF Filter: (((ether dst 08:00:2B:AA:BB:CC)))
XQB tap:tap0 (No description available)
Ethernet Device:
Name: tap0
Reflections: 0
Self Loopbacks Sent: 2
Self Loopbacks Rcvd: 0
Packets Sent: 3
Asynch Interrupts: Disabled
Read Queue: Count: 0
Read Queue: High: 0
Read Queue: Loss: 0
Peak Write Queue Size: 1


Author RE: simh networking tuntap no success
Bruce Claremont

Posts: 623
Joined: 07.01.10
Posted on December 24 2014 03:37
If you configure eth0 within linux, can you communicate with it?
Author RE: simh networking tuntap no success

Posts: 73
Location: Indaiatuba-SP/Brazil
Joined: 18.06.08
Posted on December 26 2014 16:58
yes...pinging any IP assign to eth0 is replyed. I keep trying ...

Author RE: simh networking tuntap no success
Bruce Claremont

Posts: 623
Joined: 07.01.10
Posted on December 27 2014 04:20
Have you tried using one of the other NICs: eth1, eth2, etc?
Author RE: simh networking tuntap no success

Posts: 73
Location: Indaiatuba-SP/Brazil
Joined: 18.06.08
Posted on December 27 2014 06:22
No... physical just eth0 and wlan0.
Added tap0 and used together eth0 into a bridge with IP, assigning eth0 and tap0 with IP
Since the basic steps didnt work, I did some modification and checked results:
At vms side assigned IP to eth0(QE0) and tap0(QE1) Failed.
So, assigned IP (linux side) eth0 with, keeping tap0 with, Failed.
Changed (linux side) eth0 to IP and (vms side) QE0(xq0<--eth0) with Failed.
Deleted QE0(vms) keeping QE1 with IP
Although traffic gets a bit heavy, using vde simh-vax/vms runs ok, but no outside (internet) connection is reached.


Author RE: simh networking tuntap no success
Bruce Claremont

Posts: 623
Joined: 07.01.10
Posted on December 28 2014 04:10
I suspect there is a problem using a single NIC for both the host O/S and VMS. However, I don't know Linux well enough to suggest anything. Can a separate system ping the VMS system when it is running?
Author RE: simh networking tuntap no success

Posts: 73
Location: Indaiatuba-SP/Brazil
Joined: 18.06.08
Posted on December 30 2014 13:30
Just for verification, I did a NetBSD/vax installation with the same virtual machine (simh39) that was used to VMS73. Net adapter eth0 bridged with virt. tap0, under bridge br0, with IP from lan (with same steps as followed to put vms network up). Connecting via ssh from linux to vax (netbsd) and ...voilá...connection established. So, I think there is a misconfiguration with VMS. I have to check it out.
Meanwhile, I have to choose vde, even if network traffic gets a bit heavy.

Author RE: simh networking tuntap no success
Bruce Claremont

Posts: 623
Joined: 07.01.10
Posted on December 31 2014 03:42
Walk through the entire TCPIP$CONFIG.COM process, taking both All options. That should clear up any configuration issues.
Author RE: simh networking tuntap no success
Alan Fay

Posts: 1
Joined: 01.04.15
Posted on April 02 2015 06:59
I run SIMH V3.9 on linux (Linux Mint 16 Petra) and tun/tap network devices work just fine. They are
more efficient and in my experience are much more reliable than directly libpcap’ing the physical
ethernet device. The nice thing about tun/tap network devices is you can run multiple instances of
SIMH on the same system and each instance can connect to the host, each other and the internet.

Make the VAX executable with the following defines:


USE_NETWORK enable networking
USE_TAP_NETWORK enable tun/tap devices
USE_INT64 enable larger disk sizes such as:

8GB system disks:

set rq0 ra92
set -L rq0 rauser=16777216
attach rq0 dua0.dsk

16GB data disks:

set rqc0 ra92
set -L rqc0 rauser=33553408
attach rqc0 duc0.dsk

I’m connecting eth2 to the bridge because the system is headless and I don’t want to lose connectivity:

brctl addbr br0
ifconfig eth2
ifconfig br0 up
brctl addif br0 eth2
brctl setfd br0 0
tunctl -t tap0
brctl addif br0 tap0
ifconfig tap0 up

The bridge br0 acts as a switch/hub to eth2 for the connected tap0 network device, only packets
with the SIMH mac=addr will be sent to tap0. We set the bridge to have the same IP that eth2 had
because when it is attached to the bridge it loses its IP.

Start simh (mvax) with:

./mvax vax.ini

where vax.ini contains:

set xq mac=08-00-2B-AA-BB-CC
attach xq tap:tap0

sim> sh vers
VAX simulator V3.9-0 [64b data, 64b addresses, Ethernet support]

You can start other instances of SIMH running OpenVMS, OpenBSD, etc. each instance requires
its own tapN network device which can be added to the bridge/switch/hub. Each SIMH instance
must have a unique set xq mac=addr.

Author RE: simh networking tuntap no success

Posts: 73
Location: Indaiatuba-SP/Brazil
Joined: 18.06.08
Posted on April 22 2015 13:51
I already run simh under ubuntu, now trying it on slackware (my first and favorite distro, besides another machine with mint).
I'll review all steps I did, and try it again.

Author RE: Re: simh networking

Posts: 4
Location: UK GU34
Joined: 23.03.10
Posted on August 28 2015 04:34
This might help (worked for me) and I've managed to get multiple instances of simh running with one physical NIC - using both ECnet and TCP/IP

Author RE: simh networking tuntap no success

Posts: 4
Location: UK GU34
Joined: 23.03.10
Posted on August 28 2015 04:34
This might help (worked for me) and I've managed to get multiple instances of simh running with one physical NIC - using both ECnet and TCP/IP


Mike T.
Author RE: simh networking tuntap no success

Posts: 530
Joined: 15.04.08
Posted on August 28 2015 14:36
I run SimH/VAX in a VM that is dedicated to it. Gives me one ethernet adapter dedicated to a internal network bridge and one dedicated ethernet adapter bridged to the home LAN.

I plan to experiment with using Linux Containers to provide the ethernet to SimH/VAX.
Author RE: simh networking tuntap no success

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Joined: 25.11.22
Posted on November 25 2022 16:52
You can make a bridge and get all VAX talking to each other via TUN/TAP, and with the internet. If someone gets DECNET working with a Linux host let me know. I found "RaspbianDECnet" project with new(er) dnprogs but the kernel code does not build and the programs error out. I saw the include files that were missing but I don't know enough C to fix the rest.

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Author RE: simh networking tuntap no success

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Posts: 9
Joined: 25.11.22
Posted on December 21 2022 11:50
I wrote a Zsh script, simh-bridge-setup.sh, to set up a Linux bridge so I don't have to do it manually each time I reboot the host system.

## A script to set up a bridge and TUNTAP interfaces for use with
## SIMH simulator. Taps 0-4 (5 total) will be set up, and
## master set to the bridge. The bridge lladdr will be set to
## DECNET equal of node 1.1 for use with DECNET.
## Assumes: There is no br0 created currently. Iproute2 installed. $PATH
## set to sane value. Root user able to make devices running script.
## Kernel will load bridge module on its own, if needed.

## [Sanity check, to make sure there's not already a bridge.] ----------

# Color codes for fancy output.

if $(ip link show | grep -q br0); then
printf "${RED}Not making another br0, one already exists.${NC}\\n"
exit 1

## [Link creation/setup section] ----------------------------------------
# The ip4 address you want the bridge to have. We will place
# hosts on 192.168.c.d.

# A function to make a TUNTAP device and assign it to the br0 interface
function make_set_tuntap() {
printf "${BLUE}Adding TUNTAP %s to bridge.${NC}\\n" "${1}"
# Create the device
ip -c tuntap add dev tap${1} mode tap
# Stuff it into the bridge
ip -c link set dev tap${1} master br0
# Set it up. Note, it will still show "down" until used
ip -c link set tap${1} up

# First, make the bridge, then turn on spanning tree protocol,
# set the lladdr for DECNET node 1.1. This is in case you want
# to (try to - code broke between 3.x-4.x kernels) use Linux
# DECENT. Node 1.1 can be the Linux executor.
printf "${GREEN}Making the bridge, br0.${NC} \\n"
ip -c link add name br0 type bridge
ip -c link set br0 type bridge stp_state 1
ip -c link set dev br0 address AA:00:04:00:01:04
ip -c link set br0 up
ip -c addr add ${bridge_addr}/24 broadcast + dev br0

# Error out if something went wrong and no br0. Exit script.
$(ip link show | grep -q br0) || {
printf "${RED}Bridge not created. Cannot continue.${NC}\\n"
exit 1

# Make and add TUNTAPs to the brige. You can change this number for
# more (or less) devices. Ex: seq 0 7 for six taps.
printf "${GREEN}Setting up the TUNTAPs now...${NC} \\n"
for taps in $( seq 0 4 ); do
make_set_tuntap ${taps}

# Finished. Show links/addresses.
ip -c addr show
printf "\\n${GREEN}Done.${NC}\\n"

## [SIMH .ini file configuration tips] ------------------------------------
# SIMH .ini file part for a microvax3900 might go like so, attached to
# tap3, node 1.13.
# SET XQ MAC=AA:00:04:00:0D:04
# ATT XQ tap:tap3

# Decnet MAC addresses are tied to node address.
# AA:00:04:00:01:04 = 1.1
# AA:00:04:00:0A:04 = 1.10
# AA:00:04:00:0B:04 = 1.11
# AA:00:04:00:0C:04 = 1.12
# AA:00:04:00:0D:04 = 1.13
# AA:00:04:00:0E:04 = 1.14

## [VMS Routing tips] ------------------------------------------------------
# In VMS, set (the bridge ip4 address) as static gateway. Set
# static ip4 address for VMS node. On Linux host, forward traffic for interfaces:
# net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding = 1
# Masquerade all private address space traffic:
# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -m comment --comment "Masquerade all rfc1918 addresses" -s -j MASQUERADE
# In VMS, add name servers, and assign host addresses. Match tcpip host name and node name for
# simplicity (6 character limit to DECNET node names).
# TCPIP> SET NAME_SERVICE /SERVER= /enable /system
# TCPIP> set host teostr /address= /alias=teostr.lan
# TCPIP> set host lunast /address= /alias=lunast.lan


For some reason, I can't get ip6 working in/out of the bridge, but it works inside and on the host OS itself. I used radvd to send RAs to the VMS hosts, and they get an address and route, but no usable connection. ip4 works.

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August 04 2022
No more VAX hobbyist licenses. Community licenses for Alpha/IA64/X86_64 VMS Software Inc. Commercial VMS software licenses for VAX available from HPE.

July 20 2022
Just re-visiting.. No more hobbyist licenses? Is that from vmssoftware.com, no 'community' licenses?

July 01 2022
No more hobbyist license...sad

February 12 2022
I recall that the disks failed on the public access VMS systems that included Fafner

January 03 2022
Anyone know what happened to FAFNER.DYNDS.ORG? I had a hobbyist account here but can longer access the site.

October 27 2021
Make that DECdfs _2.1A_ for Vax

October 27 2021
I'm looking for DECdfs V2.4A kit for VAX. Asking here just in case anyone is still listening.

September 17 2021
At one time, didn't this web site have a job board? I would love to use my legacy skills one last time in my career.

January 18 2021
New Hobbyist PAKs for VAX/VMS are no longer available according to reports. Only commercial licenses are reported to be for sale from HPE

January 16 2021
Can someone please point me to hobbyist license pak? I'm looking for VAX/VMS 7.1, DECnet Phase IV, and UCX/TCPIP ... have the 7.1 media, need the license paks ... thanks!

October 16 2020
OpenVMS, and this website!

September 05 2020
VSI community non-commercial licenses for AXP/IA64 are available now.

September 05 2020
See the forum about licensing. Don't know if HPE hobby licenses still being issued. Commercial licenses still being sold.

September 01 2020
I need the license for OpenVMS7.3. Where can I find them?

August 29 2020
Eisner, which is currently being moved, got an SSH update and the keys were updated to more modern encryption standards.

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