Hello all..
I've recently started trying to learn about vms and have managed to get a cluster up and running. I am using simh for this purpose. Currently, I have a pi3 set up as a cluster boot server (and disk server)
All other nodes boot as satellites. I have 1 pi2 satellite, and 3 other nodes running under an ubuntu vm (using an unraid box, with 10 threads assigned to it)
I've gotten the hang of adding new nodes, have modified the correct include file for params to set intstkpages so that tcpip will work. But my question is this..
When I add a new node, I end up having to use ncp to copy known nodes around so that the new node will be recognized (using phone for example.) I'm sure I'm missing something.. Is there a way to have known nodes automatically propogate to all nodes?
I do have other things working, like the disk that holds my user accounts mounts correctly on all nodes, but I can see it being a real pain updating all nodes in a cluster so that they can all see each other.
Another question.. When setting things up, there is a question about a cluster setting (I've blanked on the question at the moment,) basically the question is about having the cluster appear as a single system. I've answered yes to this, but don't yet understand enough to see a difference. I can still telnet into an ip and end up on a specific node. Can anyone point me to some cluster tutorials/info written for a complete newbie?
Thanks in advance for any and all pointers,
RE: Possible resource , Tho probably already been there .
Hello sturgismike , Having not found anything with "Tutorial" in its general content thru Google .
I did find this (a DEC) Document on Clustering in Openvms 7.3 , Something , I am sure since you have already created a Cluster , Have reviewed . But anyway ...
malmberg August 04 2022 No more VAX hobbyist licenses. Community licenses for Alpha/IA64/X86_64 VMS Software Inc. Commercial VMS software licenses for VAX available from HPE.
ozboomer July 20 2022 Just re-visiting.. No more hobbyist licenses? Is that from vmssoftware.com, no 'community' licenses?
valdirfranco July 01 2022 No more hobbyist license...sad
mister_wavey February 12 2022 I recall that the disks failed on the public access VMS systems that included Fafner
parwezw January 03 2022 Anyone know what happened to FAFNER.DYNDS.ORG? I had a hobbyist account here but can longer access the site.
gtackett October 27 2021 Make that DECdfs _2.1A_ for Vax
gtackett October 27 2021 I'm looking for DECdfs V2.4A kit for VAX. Asking here just in case anyone is still listening.
MarkRLV September 17 2021 At one time, didn't this web site have a job board? I would love to use my legacy skills one last time in my career.
malmberg January 18 2021 New Hobbyist PAKs for VAX/VMS are no longer available according to reports. Only commercial licenses are reported to be for sale from HPE
dfilip January 16 2021 Can someone please point me to hobbyist license pak? I'm looking for VAX/VMS 7.1, DECnet Phase IV, and UCX/TCPIP ... have the 7.1 media, need the license paks ... thanks!