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Author Tru64 Installation on FreeAXP

Posts: 64
Joined: 16.08.13
Posted on February 17 2018 12:14
I currently run OpenVMS under FreeAXP 2.6. I now want to also install Digital UNIX4.0E.

Do I need to have a separate installation of FreeAXP (with specific folders)? My current OpenVMS data installation files reside in a FreeAXP folder with all the alpha.cfg, alpha.log and disk0*.img files.

Edited by Bruce Claremont on February 27 2018 02:17
Author RE: FreeAXP Multiple Installation Required?
Bruce Claremont

Posts: 623
Joined: 07.01.10
Posted on February 18 2018 01:31
You do not need a separate installation of FreeAXP. You simply need to create additional disk files for the Tru64 system and a cfg file to support it.
Author RE: FreeAXP Multiple Installation Required?

Posts: 64
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Posted on February 18 2018 11:31

Thanks for the info.

Author RE: FreeAXP Multiple Installation Required?

Posts: 64
Joined: 16.08.13
Posted on February 18 2018 12:42

Another question - is there a 'how to' regarding installing Tru64 UNIX on FreeAXP? I'm particlarly interested in how to set up the hard disk(s).

Author RE: FreeAXP Multiple Installation Required?
Bruce Claremont

Posts: 623
Joined: 07.01.10
Posted on February 19 2018 00:58
Generically, you install it just like you would on a real Alpha. Add the Tru64 installation ISO to your config file and boot it, as you did with OpenVMS. There are some empty prebuilt disks on the FreeAXP page: http://www.migrationspecialties.com/FreeAXP.html#Tru64_Disks.
Author RE: FreeAXP Multiple Installation Required?
John Manger

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Posted on February 19 2018 01:44
These days, its difficult to find the manuals free and online - one of the few remaining places is WinWorld. They/re usually at the top of a G**gle search. Then look under *nix and Digital UNIX. They also have interesting CDs such at the o/s iso and the Assoc. Products CDs as well as versions other than 4.0E. Unfortunately, IIRC, the 40E doc CD is is 'UFS' format, so you need a working Ultrix or Tru64 rig to read it. :-(

The Univ. of Cambridge has a patch repository for the older versions which HP no longer supports or sells contract for - http://www-uxsup.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/public_patches/DEC/

The V5.0 doc set is online at http://www.frascati.enea.it/documentation/tru6450/ V5 brings new admin tools, so it will often refer to tools and facilituies not present in V4.0x.

'Bilsden' have their own notes on how to install at http://billsden.org/dsi/admin/dec/install.htm YMMV with them, and I cannot say if they're accurate or not, so caveat emptor.

The most basic basic install, is boot the o/s CD, partition the main/system disk with default sizes, accept defaults for everything, install all s/w subsets, don't mess with the kernel build, and you should have a working system with a root login and all should be well. ;-)

John M

Author RE: FreeAXP Multiple Installation Required?

Posts: 64
Joined: 16.08.13
Posted on February 19 2018 12:49
Bruce - thanks. I overlooked the fact that I would need a physical ISO - as opposed to a 'virtual' ISO.

John - thanks for the links etc

Regarding disks - how many disks should I create - 1, 2, 3? And what size? Approximately how much space does a basic install require?

Finally, do I need to install the Patch Kit 4 and Firmware Update 6.8? If so, in what sequence? Firmware Upgrade, O/S, Patch Kit?

Author RE: FreeAXP Multiple Installation Required?

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Posted on February 19 2018 14:08
Sorry, really finally - do I need licenses for any of the software?

Author RE: FreeAXP Multiple Installation Required?
John Manger

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Posted on February 19 2018 22:32

No you don't need a physical ISO/CD, FreeAXP supports 'virtual' CD/ISOs. They are just another image file, but read-only and handled as CDs rather than SCSI disks

A basic install of Tru64 can fit into as little as an RZ35, but a 2G/RZ28 is usualy sufficient.

There is no 'firmware' on a Emulator. Or, rather, there is, but you cant change it. ;-)
Tru64 will see FreeAXP as running fware release 7.0.

Patches fix problems. ;-)
So, the current 4.0E patchkit should normally be applied.

Tru64 UNIX will run normally without any licences, BUT, only root will be allowed to login without the OSF-BASE licence installed. If you can get an OSF-BASE, IIRC 4.0E comes with default OSF-USR licence of 4 users, so then you'd have root +4 users.
There are often licences on fleaBay.

John M
Author RE: FreeAXP Multiple Installation Required?

Posts: 64
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Posted on February 20 2018 16:08

Thanks for that. I've installed the basic OS but haven't yet installed the Patch Kit 4. Are there any particular issues/'gotchas' to be aware of when installing patches?

If I wanted to install programming languages would I need licenses or does the basic single user/root license suffice?

I think I know the answer to this but presumably the Putty interface to the OS does not support graphics and so the CDE and other graphic programs cannot be used. I don't suppose there is an alternative to Putty which suppports graphics?

Author RE: FreeAXP Multiple Installation Required?

Posts: 64
Joined: 16.08.13
Posted on February 21 2018 13:06
I'm trying to install Patch Kit V.4.

I've mounted the CD-ROM called Tru64_UNIX-5.1B_-_Patch_Kit.iso. This has a folder structure as follows:

->patch kit then

and one or two documents. I changed directory to patch_kit and ran ./dupatch. I get a message "Enter patch to the top of the patch distribution or enter "q" to quit". I've changed directory to each of the sub-directories and run dupatch and keep getting the message: "<directory name> does not contain any Tru64 UNIX setld format patch kit". None of the files in the sub-folders is a .tar file. They all seem to be of the form OSFPAT02500100540 etc. Nofile extension.

Help please! Where do I find the appropriately formatted patch kit?

Edited by Paolo_R on February 21 2018 13:37
Author RE: FreeAXP Multiple Installation Required?

Posts: 64
Joined: 16.08.13
Posted on February 22 2018 13:08
OK, I've got dupatch to load its menu, having pointed it at Tru64_UNIX_V5.1B. Unfortunately, it keeps looping around telling me that the instaallation can only be in Single-user mode.

My installation is already in Single-user mode.


Edited by Paolo_R on February 22 2018 13:09
Author RE: FreeAXP Multiple Installation Required?

Posts: 64
Joined: 16.08.13
Posted on February 23 2018 12:55
I managed to boot into single-user mode (set boot_osflags S).

When I tried to run dupatch I get: './dupatch: /usr/share/lib/shell/libscp : not found'. Can you offer any advice?

Author RE: FreeAXP Multiple Installation Required?

Posts: 64
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Posted on February 23 2018 14:32
After further searching I ran bcheckrc which apparently allows use of LSM in single-user mode. This allows dupatch to bring up its menu.

Having chosen 'Check and Install Patches in Single-User Mode' I then get a message 'OSF.image file not found in patch kit ... exiting'.

So it appears I'm stuffed.

Edited by Paolo_R on February 23 2018 14:35
Author RE: Tur64 Installation on FreeAXP
Bruce Claremont

Posts: 623
Joined: 07.01.10
Posted on February 26 2018 02:15
I renamed this thread "Tru64 Installation on FreeAXP", as it is more fitting to the subject.

Sorry I cannot help on the Tru64 questions. OpenVMS is my area of expertise. You have made good progress.
Author RE: Tur64 Installation on FreeAXP
John Manger

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Posted on February 26 2018 02:27
Ah. I missed the 'Tru64_UNIX-5.1B_-_Patch_Kit.iso'.

Thats the V5,.1B patchkit CD. It only contains patches for V5.1B.

You need the patchkit for V4.0E. The Cambridge url above is the place to go. It'll be a 'tar' file. Un-tar it into a sub-dir somewhere, then repeat the steps you tried earlier (single user, bcheckrc, kit path etc).

John M
Author RE: Tur64 Installation on FreeAXP
John Manger

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Posted on February 26 2018 02:45
On the other questions :

- for CDE/X11 display you'll need an X-Windows emulator/package on your PC or other Un*x machine to display to. eXceed, Reflection/X, Xcursion, Xming have all worked for various users over the years.

- Languages, the RTS (run times) are all unlicensed, its the compiler that needs a license. Only the Compaq C compiler 'cc' needs no license. All the rest, Cxx, f77, Pascal, Ada, Cobol need a licence.
Author RE: Tur64 Installation on FreeAXP

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Posted on February 26 2018 13:23

Author RE: Tur64 Installation on FreeAXP

Posts: 64
Joined: 16.08.13
Posted on February 26 2018 13:28

Re patch kit - I've actually installed v5.1B (my original post was a typo) so I think I have the correct patch CD. So the message 'OSF.image file not found in patch kit ... exiting' is still there. I have an OSF-USER license as listed by lmf.

Thanks for the terminal emulator and languages info. Is there a free CDE/X11 terminal emulator which would work?

Author RE: Tur64 Installation on FreeAXP

Posts: 64
Joined: 16.08.13
Posted on February 26 2018 13:32

I've just discoverd MobaXTerm which has a free Home edition.
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