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Tru64 & Digital Unix Supported Versions |
Bruce Claremont
Posts: 623
Joined: 07.01.10 |
Posted on March 18 2010 11:17 |
Digital Unix V4.0F
Tru64 V5.0A - V5.1B-5
We lack the media to test versions prior to V4.0F. In theory, FreeAXP should support Digital Unix back to V3.2x If anyone cares to test this and post the results or donate media so we can test it, it would be appreciated.
Post your results here if you are able to run versions of Tru64 or Digital Unix that we don't have listed.
Edited by John Manger on September 30 2011 22:27 |
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RE: Tru64 & Digital Unix Supported Versions |
John Manger

Posts: 63
Location: nr Heathrow, Middlesex, UK
Joined: 18.03.10 |
Posted on March 18 2010 12:02 |
Digital UNIX V4.0D runs OK on FreeAXP, as does V4.0F and also V4.0G. Given that 4.0G was really for Wildfires, I expect there won't be much call for that version, so we've only done some initial testing with V4.0G. But V4.0D was the release that brought Y2K compliance, so quite a number of custrs moved to that version from the 3.X releases as the year 2000 approached.
John M
Edited by John Manger on May 03 2011 05:42 |
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RE: Tru64 & Digital Unix Supported Versions |
Posts: 5
Joined: 15.04.10 |
Posted on April 15 2010 07:50 |
3.2C installs and runs. Just for grins I tried booting the OSF/1 2.0 install media, which actually boots a kernel and then dies trying to mount the ufs on the CD (I think). Of course 2.0 isn't supposed to work, but it's interesting to see that it doesn't die immediately.
Thanks for making FreeAXP available!
Edited by John Manger on May 03 2011 05:43 |
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RE: Tru64 & Digital Unix Supported Versions |
John Manger

Posts: 63
Location: nr Heathrow, Middlesex, UK
Joined: 18.03.10 |
Posted on April 16 2010 06:20 |
Yeah - just for fun, I tried a 3.2 rev 214 CD - and got similar results.
The FreeAXP's Alphaserver 400 platform isn't recognised by V3.2 rev 214, so the PCI is not properly mapped, and thus the scsi HBA is not recognised, and thus the CD becomes 'invisible'.... and it dies.
V3.2B may be a different story ....
John M
Edited by John Manger on March 01 2011 21:07 |
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RE: And also V4.0G |
John Manger

Posts: 63
Location: nr Heathrow, Middlesex, UK
Joined: 18.03.10 |
Posted on May 02 2010 11:32 |
This last week we completed a long series of builds, patching runs and soak tests with Tru64 UNIX V4.0G. As expected, it ran well, so we've added V4.0G to the list of guest o/s suitable for FreeAXP.
John M
Edited by John Manger on February 09 2011 06:11 |
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RE: Old DEC 'RZ style' disk images - grab 'em now! |
John Manger

Posts: 63
Location: nr Heathrow, Middlesex, UK
Joined: 18.03.10 |
Posted on September 02 2010 22:54 |
The older versions of Digital UNIX like to be able to 'recognise' the disks they use and have them match the definitions in /etc/disktab[A]. To facilitate this, I've been working from some pre-built empty volumes that match several of the DEC drives that shipped when V3 was new and disks were considerably smaller than today !
What I have created is a selection of empty RZ disk images that have been correctly sized and formatted with the appropriate Digital UNIX disk-label. Each image presents UNIX with an authentic DEC RZ-named volume that retains the RZxx look and feel These canned disks facilitate migrations where volumes may need to be 'original', as well as easing installation of the early versions of OSF/1 and Digital UNIX[B].
The disk images are available for free download at
John M
(oh yes, before someone mentions it, I know the RZ27 was dropped even as it was announced, but it did exist, and a 1.5G RZ is a really useful size for a boot disk)
[A] Using the canned volumes, the disktab definition matches the disklabel which matches the disk 'name' or type (RZxx).
[B] Of course, Tru64 can use them as well, but it auto sizes its disk volumes, and is not reliant on accurate 'RZ' names and geometry or even on disktab itself.
Edited by John Manger on March 01 2011 21:08 |
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RE: Tru64 UNIX Supported Versions - V5.1B-6 |
John Manger

Posts: 63
Location: nr Heathrow, Middlesex, UK
Joined: 18.03.10 |
Posted on December 06 2010 01:41 |
The Eagle-Eyed among you will have noticed that HP has released a new PatchKit for Tru64 UNIX V5.1B. Its kit #8 :
T64V51BB29AS0008-20100821.tar (available from itrc)
and it transforms V5.1B into V5.1B-6.
FreeAXP and Avanti have been tested with Pk8, and it runs beautifully.
So, we have added Tru64 UNIX V5.1B-6 to the list of 'officially supported' versions.
John M
Edited by John Manger on February 09 2011 06:10 |
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RE: And Digital UNIX V3.2G works too ! |
John Manger

Posts: 63
Location: nr Heathrow, Middlesex, UK
Joined: 18.03.10 |
Posted on February 09 2011 06:09 |
Via the good offices and generosity of a user in S.E. Asia, we've been able to test another member of the V3.2 familiy - Digital UNIX V3.2G. It installs happily, and runs very contentedly on both FreeAXP and Avanti. In common with other V3 releases it uses the De435 NIC which FreeAXP has supported since summer 2010.
So now we're up to 9 separate Tru64 releases qualified to run on FreeAXP :
V3.2C, V3.2G
V4.0D, V4.0F, V4.0G
V5.0A, V5.1, V5.1A
V5.1B - V5.1B-6
In addition, V3.2D/E and V4.0E should run without problems since they use the V3.2C or V4.0D kernels respectively. Which only leaves us V4.0 and V4.0B to test .... so if anyone has a copy ..... 
John M |
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RE: Tru64 & Digital Unix Supported Versions |
John Manger

Posts: 63
Location: nr Heathrow, Middlesex, UK
Joined: 18.03.10 |
Posted on May 03 2011 05:41 |
With the co-operation of HP themselves, and also by the kind generosity of a user in Portugal, we have been enabled to test and qualify a further two releases of Digital UNIX : V4.0E and V4.0B.
As with previous qualification tests, FreeAXP hosted them both flawlessly, and neither release provided any nasty surprises. So now FreeAXP supports a total of eleven different Tru64/Digital UNIX releases plus the current two supported V5.1B versions from HP.
V3.2C, V3.2G
V4.0B, V4.0D, V4.0E, V4.0F, V4.0G
V5.0A, V5.1, V5.1A, V5.1B and also V5.1B-5 & V5.1B-6
[2023 edit]
FreeAXP/Avanti has been now been qualified with V4.0 and V4.0A
John M
Edited by John Manger on May 09 2023 21:26 |