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OpenVMS Hobbyist Program | Hobbyist Licensing | Alpha License PAK's
Author Alpha License PAKs

Posts: 8
Location: Tasmania
Joined: 28.04.09
Posted on July 19 2009 14:22
I joined connect-community a couple of weeks ago as a fully paid up member, not a guest/associate. I obviously seem to need a DECUS number to fill in the relevant form to acquire Alpha PAKs. How can I get this number?
Author RE: They will sent it to you...
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Posted on July 20 2009 04:17
They will send me a set of updates (typically on a weekly basis) of membership information. You should receive a mailing that includes your member number. They have made some recent changes in how they process memberships internally, so it might take a little longer for this cycle.

Once those two things are done, you can register for licenses! If it gets a little slow, you might want to call them and ask about it.
Author RE: Alpha License PAKs

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Posted on August 01 2009 04:09
Stephen Hoffman wrote:
The "DECUS number" is the alphanumeric identification string assigned to you by the user group.

I got no such identification string from Connect (I signed up as guest, though).
Are we talking about our Connect user name or is it something else they should send us?
Author RE: Alpha License PAKs

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Posted on August 02 2009 00:05
I need to clarify this as well.

I wasn't given any alphanumeric id, though my membership request was accepted straight away.
The site shows no sign of a "membership number" either.
After a bit of help from HobbyistOne and others at HP, I found out I was in the last update AND what my Connect membership number was.

I think this is just one of the post-reorganizational issues others have been talking about :)
Author RE: Alpha License PAKs

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Posted on August 05 2009 06:32
Erin/Connect have advised that they are working on allowing members to view their Membership Number when online. In the meantime if you ask nicely I am sure they will/can advise you of it via email.

Having said that, you may still not be able to register for a license as whatever process exists to ensure that such details are shared seems to involve a fair degree of lag....
Edited by windy on August 05 2009 06:33
Author RE: Alpha License PAKs
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Posted on August 06 2009 18:51
Stephen Hoffman wrote:
HP has classically expected everyone to be a member of an HP-recognized user group as a prerequisite for access to the OpenVMS hobbyist licenses.

Actually, that was John Wisniewski and I that did that, so the Hobbyist Program and the User Groups could attain mutual synergistic benefits in order to maximize total market opportunities.... Aw nuts. It sounded good at the time. And it has been beneficial on multiple levels.

I've changed the language on the license registration to remove "DECUS" so much, since it's usage is archaic. And they are working on helping people get their member numbers. The new company that's handling that I guess doesn't get that sometimes member numbers are useful and hid them.
Author RE: Alpha License PAKs

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Posted on September 29 2009 01:36
The other option is to pay for an individual Connect Community membership.




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Author RE: Alpha License PAKs

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Posted on September 29 2009 08:11

I tried signing up for the free connect membership about a month ago, and I've had what I believe to be my membership number for perhaps 3 weeks. What I've been using for a membership number is the number helpfully displayed on the main page immediately after login.

Still I am unable to register for the licenses. My questions are
1) Is this number my acutal membership ID, or is there a different number that gets sent to the hobbyist program? it's described as being 'alphanumeric' so perhaps there's a prefix or suffix I should be adding to my numeric id?
2) Is guest membership at connect sufficient? I had read in several places in the forums that it was, but some of the statments in this thread lead me to believe that it may not be.
3) Is there any reason there would be a >1 month lag in transfers from connect?

Author RE: Alpha License PAKs

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Posted on October 07 2009 16:58
Is the only way to obtain a PAK is to register under one of the HP supported user groups and pay? I work with OpenVMS at work running SCADA software to control our treatment plant. This is how I fell in love with the operating system. So i found Personal alpha and bought the OS media from the hobbyist site. I am a poor sophomore computer science student still learning the OS. Is there anyway to get a free PAK?. Im finding it difficult to use TCPIP without the PAK's. Does anywone have idea's? can i have someones PAK? Its only for Dev reasons, or is that bad form? I need a c++ compiler Errrr. I want to integrate my Microcontrollers through a rs-232 connection. Make a little telemetry network to control random stuff. Im guessing my best bet is to go though connect which seems the general census on this thread.

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Edited by id10t_error on October 07 2009 17:05
Author RE: Alpha License PAKs

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Posted on October 08 2009 22:30
you can join a local user group that is affiliated with Connect. This is one route to getting the hobbyist licences.
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August 04 2022
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January 16 2021
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