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OpenVMS Hobbyist Program | VAX Systems Forums | VAX Software Forum
Author Installing BASIC on Open VMS 5.5

Posts: 1
Joined: 04.04.16
Posted on November 21 2019 06:52
I have just acquired a Microvax 4000.90. All seems well with it however I have no programming languages installed. I have joined the Hobbyist Programme and now have access to ZIP files for several compilers. Great!

My machine doesn't have a CD drive and I haven't been able to directly FTP them from the hobbyist site although I can download them onto a PC and then transfer to the VAX via my local network. Unfortunately this version of VMS doesn't seem to recognise ZIP files.

If I unzip on the PC the extracted files lose their attributes when I transfer them to the VAX . I found a command file 'Fixsaveset' but this uses the 'SET FILES /Attribute' command which again doesn't exist on my VAX.

I would be very grateful for any advice.
Author RE: Installing BASIC on Open VMS 5.5
Bruce Claremont

Posts: 623
Joined: 07.01.10
Posted on November 22 2019 03:14
Hunt around for OpenVMS Freeware. The Freeware collection includes a VMS compatible zip utility.
Author RE: Installing BASIC on Open VMS 5.5

Posts: 108
Joined: 12.03.10
Posted on November 23 2019 05:18
I believe that you can use the convert utility to "fix" the files. The set file/attr command just changes the attributes without creating another file. The convert will create a new file, but it should be usable. Create the FDL required by analyzing an existing backup saveset.
Author RE: Installing BASIC on Open VMS 5.5

Posts: 530
Joined: 15.04.08
Posted on December 05 2019 03:26
A common reason for VMS not recognizing .ZIP files is that the files were FTP transferred at some point in ASCII mode instead of BINARY mode. Which means that the transferred file is corrupt beyond recognition.

VMS has no support for ZIP files built in. You have to use a port of the UNZIP utility.
While you can find early freeware CD distributions with a UNZIP built for VMS 5.5, it will be an ancient version and may not grok zip files made with newer versions. But that is probably your fastest option and will probably work.

I would strongly recommend setting up a SimH /VAX instance with OpenVMS 7.3 and the current unzip utilities available from the sourceforge VMS-PORTS or GNV projects.

Setup the SimH/VAX system as a LAVC boot node. You can then boot your MicroVAX as a diskless cluster node. This will allow you to use the SimH VAX to do any unzipping that you need, and it can mount the disks of the real MicroVAX to transfer files, or to even copy over a CD-ROM image to upgrade the VAX.

The lifetime of the SCSI and IDE disks is limited, and any device on the used market is just as likely to fail as the drives in the box you have.

Setting up a SimH/VAX cluster means that you can run your physical VAX with new disk volumes up to 1 TB in size with VAX/VMS 7.3.
Author RE: Installing BASIC on Open VMS 5.5

Posts: 530
Joined: 15.04.08
Posted on December 05 2019 03:30
If you have acquired a used system that has a previous non-hobby version of VMS on it, you probably want to make sure that you have a copy any existing license keys (non-expiriing).

The license issue (or something like that) will display on the console the license keys in a format that they can be re-entered. As I recall, this disables the keys, but they can be re-enabled.

But for hobbyist use, run with the HPE issued hobbyist keys.
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August 04 2022
No more VAX hobbyist licenses. Community licenses for Alpha/IA64/X86_64 VMS Software Inc. Commercial VMS software licenses for VAX available from HPE.

July 20 2022
Just re-visiting.. No more hobbyist licenses? Is that from vmssoftware.com, no 'community' licenses?

July 01 2022
No more hobbyist license...sad

February 12 2022
I recall that the disks failed on the public access VMS systems that included Fafner

January 03 2022
Anyone know what happened to FAFNER.DYNDS.ORG? I had a hobbyist account here but can longer access the site.

October 27 2021
Make that DECdfs _2.1A_ for Vax

October 27 2021
I'm looking for DECdfs V2.4A kit for VAX. Asking here just in case anyone is still listening.

September 17 2021
At one time, didn't this web site have a job board? I would love to use my legacy skills one last time in my career.

January 18 2021
New Hobbyist PAKs for VAX/VMS are no longer available according to reports. Only commercial licenses are reported to be for sale from HPE

January 16 2021
Can someone please point me to hobbyist license pak? I'm looking for VAX/VMS 7.1, DECnet Phase IV, and UCX/TCPIP ... have the 7.1 media, need the license paks ... thanks!

October 16 2020
OpenVMS, and this website!

September 05 2020
VSI community non-commercial licenses for AXP/IA64 are available now.

September 05 2020
See the forum about licensing. Don't know if HPE hobby licenses still being issued. Commercial licenses still being sold.

September 01 2020
I need the license for OpenVMS7.3. Where can I find them?

August 29 2020
Eisner, which is currently being moved, got an SSH update and the keys were updated to more modern encryption standards.

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